I always recommend fishing with barbless hooks or pinched barbs. Quite often after landing a fish caught with a barbless hook the hook will often fall out of the fishes mouth while in the net. This is the best case scenario as you do not need to handle the fish to release it. If you do need to handle the trout in order to remove a hook, make sure you remove any gloves and wet your hands. Never grab the fish by the gills! Holding the fish on its back can settle the fish down, reach inside the mouth with your fingers or forceps grab the hook firmly and with a quick pull in the opposite direction the hook went in should free the hook. If the fish has actually swallowed the hook (does not happen often) then cut your line.
When releasing the fish gently hold it under its belly and by the tail with the head facing upstream in the water. This helps give the fish the flow of oxygen it needs to recover. Once you feel it has gained its composure and starts to struggle release the tail and let it swim away on its own.
If you require a picture keep the fish submerged in the net and have someone ready with the camera, plan your shot before removing the fish from the water, you should use one hand under the belly (avoid the death squeeze) of the fish and if required one hand on the tail, lift, snap, put it back, always keeping the fish over the net or the water in case you drop it. If the fish really struggles to get free just let it go, we do not want to harm it with a death grip just for a picture. A well planned picture will only expose the fish to the air for a few seconds.
Practicing catch and release
and proper fish handling will allow us to enjoy this fishery for years to come.
Casting a fly rod: Fly Fishing - The 5 Essentials of Good Fly Casting - The Swift Fly Fishing Company - Epic Fly Rods
Casting a Fly Rod: ORVIS - Fly Casting Lessons - The Basic Fly Cast - YouTube
The clever MUST know knots for fly fishing! Work smart, not hard! - YouTube
This is my go to knot: A short film showing how to tie the Davy Knot - YouTube
Tourist Information: Visit Calgary | Tourism Calgary
Tourist Information: Travel Alberta | Alberta Canada
Angling Outfitters Association of Alberta: HOME | Aogaa
Bow River Chapter Trout Unlimted: Home | BOW RIVER CHAPTER - TROUT UNLIMITED CANADA
BOW RIVER TROUT FOUNDATION – The Leading Voice for the Bow River Fishery
My Favourite Craft Beer: Banded Peak Brewing, Calgary AB
Peter Lywood
Host and Guide
Calgary, Alberta Canada.
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